
Ramanichandran novels online reading free pdf
Ramanichandran novels online reading free pdf

Who hasn’t dammit? Working long hours and stress take their toll on everyone. Maybe she had put on a “few” pounds and gotten more lines around the eyes and mouth.

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At forty-six she wasn’t that old, but she certainly felt old! In her humble opinion, she was a typical woman. She had checked in last night, gotten a chance to talk to the owner, and then headed for bed…exhausted. Right by the most picturesque countryside the Scottish Highlands offered. She was at the perfect little Bed and Breakfast. What went wrong? Well to answer that we need to take a closer look at that last stop in Scotland.

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For now it would be just Amber, having the time of her life…at least that had been her plan. She got to choose each stop and how she was going to get from point A to point B. Being solo, she was the only one with a say. All the money that she was saving by traveling during December was the best decision. Maybe in her wildest fantasy she was here during the warmer months, but let’s not get carried away.

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So she decided to throw caution, and some of her savings, to the wind and just do it. She had taken her share of the equity in the house, various accounts and had decided to do something totally crazy! It had taken her a year, but she had planned the perfect trip to Scotland. Amber was on a “happy to be divorced vacation”.

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